Audio- Utunzi wa Sheria Bungeni

Image credit: Erasmus Student Network Oulu


This blog is built on the promise that all our readers should be able to access its content. Towards this, as you might have realized, we have ensured that almost all of the blog-posts have audio recordings below them. This is to make the content available to our readers with visual impairments.

We also believe that our blog-posts should also be available in Kiswahili language. That means that every blog-post should also be translated into Kiswahili. Towards this, we will endeavour to provide Kiswahili translations and audio recordings in Kiswahili to the best of our abilities.

Please find below the the law making process in Kenya as narrated by Salem Lorot in Kiswahili language:

You will also note that there have been several other audio recordings uploaded on SoundCloud.

They are as follows:

1. Prayers in Standing Orders

2.  Common Parliamentary Terms Translated into Kiswahili


3. Public Bills

(Extracted from Part 19 of the National Assembly Standing Orders and gives an insight on the law making process)

4.  Kenya National Assembly Committees



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